Recognized Local Manufacturer/Assembler Listing

In an effort to boost the local industry in the renewable energy sector, SEDA has engaged with the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) in a collaborative effort to compile a list of all recognized local manufacturers/assemblers in Malaysia. PV modules, inverters, gas engines, and boilers produced from these local manufacturer/assemblers will be eligible for the local bonuses under the first schedule of the RE (Feed-in Approval and Feed-in Tariff Rate) Rules 2011. Nonetheless, FIAHs are still required to fulfil other bonus criteria listed in the rules in order for the bonus to take effect.

Click on the link below to view
the list of recognized local manufacturer/assembler –


Solar PV Modules

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Solar Inverters

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Gas Engines

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How to apply for recognition as a local manufacturer/assembler?

In order to become a recognized local manufacturer/assembler, the applicant must undergo a series of assessment. The following steps can be served as a guide towards the application process :

For more information on the application process, please refer to the following

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If further clarification is required, please contact :

  • The applicant shall provide an official letter written to SEDA which highlights the applicant’s interest to become a recognized local manufacturer/assembler.
  • The applicant shall furnish all the necessary supporting documents as requested by SEDA according to the RE (Feed-in Approval and Feed-in Tariff Rate) Rules 2011.
  • A team from SEDA will be sent to the applicant’s factory in order to validate the depth of local operations.
  • The applicant shall be invited to SEDA HQ in order to conduct a final presentation on the company's products and operations with the intent to justify that the RE component has been locally manufactured/assembled based on SEDA’s requirement.
  • SEDA will consult with MIDA over the result of the presentations and factory inspection prior to making the final decision.

In Collaboration with :

Malaysia Investment Development Authority ( MIDA )